In this world of self isolation there are many things we all miss. One thing you don’t have to miss anymore is looking at some beautiful art. On Friday, 7/3, the Drive-Walk-Bike-By City Art Show will be happening in Pittsfield. Local, and not so local, artists will be displaying their work on the lawns of Pittsfield. Although I don’t live there myself, I am graciously being hosted at 27 Concord Parkway, so come over and see some art again! And never forget, something great is always just over the horizon!
This is an outdoor event, so in the case that mother nature starts crying over the beauty of this moment, the rain date is the following Friday, July 10th. Hope to see you there!
Date: Friday, July 3rd, 4-8pm
Rain Date: Friday, July 10th, 4-8pm
Location: 27 Concord Parkway, Pittsfield, MA
Map: Downloadable on Thursday, July 2nd,
Event Information: Berkshire Eagle Article, Event’s Facebook Page