
3rd Thursday Art Tent


If you happen to be in the Pittsfield area this 3rd Thursday, July 17th, come on over to the lawn of St. Joseph’s church.  I will be there inside a giant tent along with 9 other artists who will be selling work inside along with hors d’oerves from Mission and a cash bar!  This is a pay for admission event, $5 per person to benefit the Pittsfield Shakespeare in the Park.  So come on by and see the cast of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and then check out some of the best art in the area!

This is a one day event held on July 17th from 5-8PM.  The tent will be located in the lawn of St. Joseph’s Church, 414 North St, Pittsfield, MA.  During the event North Street is closed to vehicle traffic so everyone can walk the entirety of North Street; so plan carefully.